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This stage describes the emergence of the energy community.
A core group of interested individuals starts to form around an idea, develops a general intention for action, and becomes aware of the needs, opportunities and barriers for the chosen action. It is also the stage where the group formulates a shared vision, takes stock of the skills available within the group, and identifies the skillsets needed to be able to achieve the vision. Peer-to-peer learning can significantly accelerate this stage and help build the motivation of the group.

Found 72 helpful resource(s).

WiseGRID pilot site videos

Four videos that provide insights into technological solutions for the production and storage of renewable energy across various pilot sites in Europe.

  • Inspiration
  • Technical

Providing clean energy and energy access through cooperatives

A collection of case studies of cooperatives from around the world involved in energy production, distribution and consumption. These examples provide insights into how the cooperative model is contributing to bringing sustainable energy to different areas of the world.

  • Inspiration
  • Community
  • Political & legal
  • Technical
Light bulb

Energy solidarity – Our transition for all Europeans starts with the most vulnerable

A web page featuring examples of energy communities fighting energy poverty around Europe. The examples can inspire other energy communities thinking of developing energy solidarity actions.

  • Inspiration
  • Preparation
  • Technical
Group of people discusses a budget

Report on REScoop business models

This report assesses and compares existing models of energy cooperatives to provide proven organisational schemes to develop citizen-based projects in the field of renewable energy.

  • Inspiration
  • Preparation
  • Implementation
  • Financial
Hotmaps capture


Open source mapping and planning tool for heating and cooling.

  • Inspiration
  • Preparation
  • Technical
People working on a business model

Business model canvas

The business model canvas is a tool to help community energy projects develop their business model following nine building blocks.

  • Inspiration
  • Implementation
  • Financial
Drawing of the concept of a cVPP

Crash course 1: What is a cVPP?

This crash course explains the concept of a community-based Virtual Power Plant (cVPP), it discusses the building blocks of a VPP, what makes a cVPP community-based, and it elaborates on the relevance of cVPPs.

  • Inspiration
  • Preparation
  • Technical
Change energy production

Crash course 2: History of our energy system

This crash course starts describing the traditional energy system, next it discusses how the increase in renewable energy challenges the incumbent organisation of the energy system, and finalises analysing the potential opportunities that current changes could provide to energy communities.

  • Inspiration
  • Preparation
  • Technical
Renewable energy

Crash course 3: EU energy policy

This crash course describes the changes in EU energy policies introduced by the Clean Energy Package (in 2019) that are relevant for energy communities and for community-based Virtual Power Plants (cVPPs). Moreover, you can find an explanation of the definitions of renewable energy communities and citizen energy communities.

  • Inspiration
  • Preparation
  • Political & legal
Flexibility graph

Crash course 4: Energy flexibility

This crash course explains what flexibility is, why it is increasingly important and how energy communities can benefit from providing flexibility.

  • Inspiration
  • Preparation
  • Technical
Energy market roles

Crash course 5: Energy market roles

This crash course discusses the diverse roles in the current and future electricity market and explains which roles can potentially be adopted by energy communities.

  • Inspiration
  • Preparation
  • Political & legal
  • Technical

Crash course 6: Community engagement in practice

This crash course offers support to participants in developing an approach to engage the broader community. It gives background information on community engagement, but it is not a tool for developing a community engagement strategy.

  • Inspiration
  • Preparation
  • Community

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