The MoRe model

  • Preparation
  • Implementation
  • Community
  • Technical
  • Europe

A community-based Virtual Power Plant (cVPP) is a portfolio of renewable energy sources, controllable appliances and energy storage systems that allows energy communities to manage energy demand and supply within their community and to trade energy and flexibility. A cVPP offers offers a way for energy communities to move beyond energy saving, efficiency and renewable energy generation.

The Mobilisation-and-Replication (MoRe) model is a tool to support energy communities in exploring the possibilities of a cVPP. It helps to reduce complexity because it clarifies what is feasible and what the first steps could be towards a cVPP in the situation that you are working with.

The MoRe model consists of an introduction and three main parts:

  1. Process support to explore together in a structured manner how a cVPP could contribute to community goals, how a cVPP could look like for your community and what would be needed to realise a cVPP (first steps and actions).
  2. Tools and templates that can be filled in as part of the co creation process, which enable you to contextualise the cVPP options for your community.
  3. Content related parts include crash courses with relevant information on what a cVPP is; the history of the energy system; EU policy; energy flexibility; energy market roles and community engagement.

The tool, developed by the cVPP project, is addressed at board members of an energy community; intermediary organisations or advisers specialised in supporting energy communities; enthusiasts and professionals involved in energy community building; the community itself, and volunteers or paid staff.

Further knowledge

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Questions about your energy community?

Whether you don’t know where to start from or you are stuck with a specific issue in the development of your energy community, an expert can help you.