Bürgerwerke brings energy cooperatives to a new level. Together, they make possible not only to generate electricity together, but also to supply it together - as a nationwide energy supplier.
Bürgerwerke is an association of more than 50,000 people and 113 local energy communities with over 1,400 decentralized power plants in all over Germany. Together they supply citizens in Germany with renewable community electricity from solar, wind and hydropower, as well as sustainable citizen gas. Bürgerwerke is an energy supplier that belongs to citizens and in which everyone can get involved.
The local energy cooperatives are available as local contacts. In order to offer customers the best possible service, some tasks such as energy purchasing, billing and other energy supply tasks are bundled at Bürgerwerke’s headquarters.
Bürgerwerke pursues the vision of a renewable, regional and independent energy future in the hands of the people. Because people have grandchildren, energy companies don’t.