ènostra coop

Milano, Italy
  • Operation
  • Italy

ènostra coop is the first national energy cooperative that produces and supplies renewable energy in Italy, based on a democratic and inclusive model. ènostra is a member of REScoop.eu, the European Federation of Renewable Energy Cooperatives.

Community members
RES capacity installed
3 MW
Active since

The cooperative was founded in 2014 and in March 2016 started supplying sustainable electricity to households and SMEs at national scale, with special tariffs reserved to not for profit organisations.

E’nostra aims at increasing the amount of renewable energy in the global production and consumption, and reducing waste of energy, thus contributing to the transition to a low carbon energy system.

In order to cover supply with its own production, in 2018 ènostra merged with the cooperative Retenergie, which in the previous ten years developed several small collective plants with the purpose of representing the role, the strength and the rights of prosumers and active customers, enabling them to access to services and opportunities otherwise less convenient or not available at all.

In 2021 ènostra boasted about 9.000 members involved in a bottom-up energy transition process by producing, consuming renewable energy, and implementing energy efficiency measures at their premises and adopting more sustainable behaviours.

Since 2019 E’nostra also created an internal dedicated multidisciplinary team to support local administrations (e.g. municipalities and their grouping) or private local actors (e.g. cooperatives, social housing) to setup Renewable Energy Communities (RECs) and/or collective self-consumption projects, promoting an inclusive and fair model which addresses energy poverty and local community needs.

Ènostra offers an all-inclusive service: feasibility study, model definition, citizen engagement, RE plants installation, REC activation, training and capacity building.

E’nostra also participates as partner or subcontractor (e.g. pilot case) in different EU projects focused on raising awareness, capacity building and citizens engagement in the energy transition process.


Experts in the field

Dirk Vansintjan portrait picture
REScoop.eu and Ecopower cv

Dirk Vansintjan

  • Field of expertise (17)
Sara Tachelet portrait photo
REScoop.eu and Zuidtrant

Sara Tachelet

  • Field of expertise (17)

Chris Vrettos

  • Field of expertise (3)

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