Solarity REC

Nea Ionia, Greece
  • Implementation
  • Greece

Solarity is a citizen-led renewable energy community in Athens, Greece, open for participation in collective self-consumption projects, electromobility, energy saving, demand response and building renovation projects.
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Community members
Money invested
Active since
Electric cars
Solarity Renewable Energy Community was established in July 2023 as a cooperative,
aiming to produce and consume clean energy collectively and implement green solutions in
their everyday life.

The main objectives of Solarity are:
  • Reducing energy costs for its members through collective self consumption projects
  • Application of the cooperative principles in the energy sector
  • Social economy and solidarity
  • Research, experimentation, training seminars, and dissemination of know-how for
    innovative green solutions
  • Participative design for a just energy transition
  • Promote electromobility, shared EV's and charging stations
  • Do business with a social dimension
  • Achieve equality of membership - elimination of discrimination of any kind
  • Support innovation in the energy sector through training workshops and seminars
  • Cooperation with academic institutions, local authorities, and other energy cooperatives
In 2023, the cooperative completed a full economic and technical study for the creation of a
photovoltaic park (400 kWp) that will operate with the "Virtual Net Metering" model.

Solarity Renewable Energy Community is the first open in participation energy community
established in Athens, following the provision of the Greek Law 5037/2023. 
Citizens, legal entities and Municipalities based in the Attica region, can become members
of the cooperative.
The management of the cooperative is carried out by the General Assembly and the Board of
Directors. The General Assembly is the highest decision body of the organisation and each
member has one vote.

Experts in the field


Chris Vrettos

  • Field of expertise (3)
Heleen Schockaert portrait picture

Heleen Schockaert

  • Field of expertise (3)
Stavroula Pappa portrait photo

Stavroula Pappa

  • Field of expertise (17)

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