Wind of Renewal

Athens, Greece
  • Operation
  • Greece

Wind of Renewal is a social cooperative focusing on the green circular economy, local sustainable development and renewable energy.


Wind of Renewal was created by socially active citizens with the ambition to play a strategic, scientific and creative role in promoting:

  • The cooperative and solidarity economy
  • Sustainable, efficient, innovative, democratic and social cooperative enterprises
  • The transition to a green-circular economy for the benefit of the society and the environment
  • Social, technological and ecological innovation for the benefit of current and future generations
  • Employment in green, social and cultural sectors
  • The integration of democracy and human rights into economic and social life, in response to today’s major economic, fiscal, social, climate and environmental problems

Main activities

  • Drafting policy papers and influencing strategies, policies and practices for a green economy
  • Public awareness through the organisation of activities for the promotion of the green-circular economy, social economy, eco- and social innovation and intercultural dialogue information
  • Exchange of good practices and experiences for the promotion of green-circular economy and social economy
  • Promotion of cooperation, self-organisation and networking among social cooperatives and social actors in a local, regional, national and European level
  • Development of social cooperative structures in Greece using the existing European experience
  • Training, consulting services, monitoring and support of cooperatives/social enterprises and social actors
  • Consulting of local communities, municipalities and key actors for the promotion of eco- and social innovation

Wind of Renewal

Visit project website

Experts in the field

Josh Roberts portrait picture

Josh Roberts

  • Field of expertise (15)
Sara Tachelet portrait photo
Belgium and Zuidtrant

Sara Tachelet

  • Field of expertise (17)
Óscar Güell portrait picture

Óscar Güell

  • Field of expertise (17)

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