This guide provides examples and best practices on how to create energy communities in various markets of the energy sector with the aim of inspiring others. After reading this report, existing energy communities may use the stories to broaden their scopes and consider new activities and innovative collective schemes to engage in energy transition projects. Citizens and starting energy communities may get inspired and can use the examples to choose a direction.
The guide is organised by activity with the aim of providing an easy-to-use way to find models for energy communities. Moreover, it includes a description of the main barriers energy cooperatives face and proposed solutions to overcome them. At the end, you will find the references and contacts of all the cooperatives cited in the report.
This guide is part of the COMPILE Toolkit, a series of reports and dashboards to help you build your energy community. You can also explore its Financing Guide and Stakeholder Engagement Guide.
Whether you don’t know where to start from or you are stuck with a specific issue in the development of your energy community, an expert can help you.