Energy coach training

  • Preparation
  • Implementation
  • Operation
  • Staff & organisation
  • Technical
  • Europe

Energy coaches teach residents how to take steps to live more energy-efficiently, they help them make choices and to actually take measures. This makes saving energy both accessible and attractive for residents.

This online basic training prepares citizens to become energy coaches. The training doesn’t require any previous knowledge and is structured in 8 learning modules that include tests and practical exercises. The topics covered are the following:

  • Structural aspects and insulation measures
  • Technical installations measures
  • Interview techniques and reporting
  • Subsidies and financing
  • Saving through small measures and behavioral change
  • Practical training in a digital sample home

The time investment required to take the training is 30-45 hours, being half an hour per day during 7-8 weeks the recommended pace.

The price of the course is €565 (VAT excluded).

After completing the basic energy coach training, coaches can register for in-depth training about specific topics, such as insulation, thermal images or heat pumps.

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Questions about your energy community?

Whether you don’t know where to start from or you are stuck with a specific issue in the development of your energy community, an expert can help you.