Retrofitting booklet

  • Inspiration
  • Operation
  • Financial
  • France

Retrofitting is definitely one of the best ways to save energy in the long term, and in large quantities.

This booklet offers valuable information to citizens interested in renovating their homes in France. It lists important organisations to ask for information and guidance, and existing grants and financial aid schemes. Each financial mechanism is described detailing its eligibility criteria, the conditions, the works covered and the approach.

Author: Enercoop
Further knowledge

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Community Energy – Municipalities and local authorities: an ideal partner [French]

This document offers an overview of how local authorities in France can become part of the energy transition, and the levers available to become a community energy champion.

  • Inspiration
  • Preparation
  • Implementation
  • Operation
  • Community
  • Political & legal
Community Energy Guide cover picture
Belgium France

Community Energy: A practical guide to reclaiming power [French]

Handbook packed with instructions, practical tips, powerful success stories and invaluable resources to build a local, community-led renewable energy revolution.

  • Inspiration
  • Preparation
  • Implementation
  • Operation
  • Community
  • Financial
  • Political & legal
  • Staff & organisation
  • Technical

Guide on EU funding opportunities for cities engaged in local transition [French]

This document guides cities through the landscape of financial support and opportunities in the EU.

  • Inspiration
  • Preparation
  • Financial
Support from professionals

Questions about your energy community?

Whether you don’t know where to start from or you are stuck with a specific issue in the development of your energy community, an expert can help you.