Guide on division of roles in the development of locally owned solar parks and wind turbines

  • Inspiration
  • Preparation
  • Implementation
  • Political & legal
  • Netherlands

Thanks to the Dutch Climate Agreement, solar parks and windmills owned by just one developer are a thing of the past. Now projects will be owned as much as possible by the local community. This requires all kinds of parties to work together: local energy cooperatives, landowners, energy suppliers and/or other market parties. But that is often easier said than done.

The document ‘Division of roles in the development of locally owned solar parks and wind turbines’ helps you discuss a clear division of roles and determine the role you want to play in the development of a locally owned solar or wind project. It includes an overview of the key questions for dividing roles and the development of two examples: the division of roles in a 100% locally owned project and the division of roles in a project with mixed ownership.

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