In-depth assessment of 10 transferable best practices

  • Inspiration
  • Preparation
  • Implementation
  • Community
  • Political & legal
  • Technical
  • Europe

Learning from other experiences can provide useful indications on how to face barriers and enhance a market uptake of energy communities.

This report analyses ten best practices in Europe and conducts a comparative evaluation of the drivers and factors of success. In turn, lessons and transferability potential of drivers and success factors are derived from the comparative analysis.

Readers interested in knowing more about the best practices can find a summary on section 4.1 (starting in page 15) and a full analysis in annex 2 (starting in page 55). The best practices analysed are the following:

  • Ecopower (Belgium)
  • ZuidtrAnt (Belgium)
  • Grenzland Pool (Germany)
  • Energy City Hall REC-1 (Italy)
  • Energy communities in apartment building (Latvia)
  • Røverkollen housing cooperative (Norway)
  • Energy Region Michałowo (Poland)
  • Energy community “Agra do Amial” (Portugal)
  • COMPTEM-Enercoop (Spain)
  • Energy Gardens (Netherlands)

Based on the lessons learnt, the report offers a list of recommendations for community energy developers and policy makers.

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Support from professionals

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