How to set up a one-stop-shop for integrated home-energy renovation?

  • Inspiration
  • Preparation
  • Financial
  • Political & legal
  • Technical
  • Europe

Between 2017 and 2020, 13 organisations (municipalities, regions, energy agencies, private companies and installers’ cooperatives) from 11 European set up a renovation one-stop-shops.

This step-by-step guide summarises their learning and recommendations to help you kick start your own one-stop-shop for integrated home energy renovation. It answers questions such as:

  • What does ‘one-stop-shop’ mean?
  • What different one-stop-shop business models have been identified and tested?
  • What are their (dis)advantages?
  • How to design your own business model and business plan?
  • What is the role of local and regional authorities in setting up a one-stop-shop? Can local one-stop-shops survive without public subsidies?
  • The set-up: Where to start, what to expect, what to be careful about?

Moreover, the guide is complemented by a series of case studies from 11 European places. Each country and region is special. The starting points differ from one another. Therefore, each one-stop-shop is

If you are part of an organisation or local authority planning to launch a one-stop-shop, this guidebook is for you.

Author: Jana Cicmanova, Miriam Eisermann, and Thibaut Maraquin from Energy Cities, with contributions from INNOVATE project partners.
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