Energy Solidarity Toolkit

  • Inspiration
  • Preparation
  • Implementation
  • Operation
  • Community
  • Financial
  • Political & legal
  • Staff & organisation
  • Europe

Energy poverty rates are rising in Europe. Many citizens find themselves facing hard choices of whether to pay energy bills or purchase basic necessities such as food, clothing and medicine. By bringing people together to collectively own renewable energy assets and govern related activities, energy communities are well-placed to tackle energy poverty and play a pivotal role on the journey towards more just energy systems.

The Energy Solidarity Toolkit is packed with information on how energy communities can build solidarity measures into their core activities. Developed by the Community Energy for Energy Solidarity (CEES) project, the toolkit offers project partners’ tips and insights across the following topics:

  • Preparatory steps energy communities should take
  • Working with people in vulnerability and partners who can help you connect with them
  • Ways to practise energy solidarity, as well as challenges that CEES partners encountered along the way
  • New ideas for raising funds to enable energy solidarity
  • How EU, national or local policies can help or hinder energy communities
  • Basic information on what to evaluate, why and how

With this toolkit, CEES partners hope to inspire other energy communities across Europe – and around the world – to leverage their unique capacities to deliver social impact through energy solidarity.

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  • Political & legal
  • Staff & organisation
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Questions about your energy community?

Whether you don’t know where to start from or you are stuck with a specific issue in the development of your energy community, an expert can help you.