Citizen-led renovation is energy communities and/or cooperatives undertaking renovation activities for, and with, their members and local communities. Renovation activities range from performing energy audits and providing information to homeowners to guiding households through the entire renovation journey, which includes planning, financing, delivery of measures, and evaluation.
This PESTLE analysis looks at the political, economic, social, technological, legal, and environmental factors relevant to citizen-led renovation in Ireland. It also includes background information about the building stock, renovation potential, and community energy movement in the country and an overview of existing schemes and relevant actors in the (citizen-led) renovation sector.
For a further understanding of the delivery of citizen-led renovation activities in Flanders you can check the business model analysis of the Energy Communities Tipperary Cooperative.
Other PESTLE analyses are available for Flanders (Belgium), the Netherlands and the United Kingdom.
Whether you don’t know where to start from or you are stuck with a specific issue in the development of your energy community, an expert can help you.