Innovative financing model for energy efficiency: Ecopower

  • Inspiration
  • Preparation
  • Community
  • Financial
  • Europe

Ecopower is a Belgian renewable energy sources cooperative (REScoop) with 66,000 members. The cooperative issues shares and invests in renewable energy production installations such as wind turbines and solar PV. Moreover, it offers members the opportunity to purchase green electricity from local sources at a fair price. Ecopower collaborates with municipalities to develop their Sustainable Energy Action Plans and initiate renewable energy and energy efficiency projects at the local level.

Ecopower is a prime example of REScoop that can inspire citizens and serve as a model for groups interested in establishing their own energy community. This case study report outlines its financial model, partnerships with the local municipality and other organisations, and the project outcomes.

The document is an excerpt of the publication ‘Increasing capacities in Cities for innovating financing in energy efficiency‘ released by the CITYnvest project. Similar analyses of two other cooperatives are available on the Energy Community Platform: Brixton Energy Coop and Pajopower.

You can explore Ecopower’s profile on our community energy map to find further information about the cooperative and connect with them.

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