
  • Preparation
  • Implementation
  • Financial
  • Europe

Collective finance, or crowdfunding, is a mechanism through which people from within a town, country, the EU or even the world can make a financial contribution towards specific projects. In the energy communities sector, these projects look to create change at the local level, helping solve social, environmental or financial challenges.

Powerfund is an online tool that offers information on how to use crowdfunding to tackle energy poverty and support your project with collective financing. The tool has three main spaces:

  • Invest Citizens. This section introduces the concept of crowdfunding with examples of how to use it to tackle energy poverty, explains different crowdfunding models, and offers tips to choose your crowdfunding platform.
  • Funding Assistant. Here you can find a step-by-step guide to set up and create your own crowdfunding campaign. It includes a spider diagram to map your network and identify the individuals and/or organizations you need to engage, a crowdfunding canva to prepare and layout your campaign, and a campaign checklist to make sure you cover all the essential steps.
  • Raising Capital. This space allows you to find relevant campaigns and projects across Europe to learn from and invest into, or share your own crowdfunding campaign. Unfortunately, there aren’t many campaigns here for the moment.

Further knowledge

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  • Technical
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Questions about your energy community?

Whether you don’t know where to start from or you are stuck with a specific issue in the development of your energy community, an expert can help you.