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The focus of this stage is the preparation of the community’s project.
It includes the formation of a leadership team, the establishment of specific objectives to achieve the community’s vision, and the planning of specific actions to achieve the objectives (anticipating the effort required and expected outcomes/benefits). It is also the time to explore different options for technologies and for a business plan, research funding options for your project, and start reaching out to the wider community to get feedback and start soft recruitment for your project once established.

Found 71 helpful resource(s).

URBACT toolbox

The URBACT Toolbox has everything you need to design and implement integrated and participatory actions in your city.

  • Inspiration
  • Preparation
  • Implementation
  • Operation
  • Community
  • Financial
  • Political & legal
  • Staff & organisation
  • Technical

Guide on EU funding opportunities for cities engaged in local transition [English]

This document guides cities through the landscape of financial support and opportunities in the EU.

  • Inspiration
  • Preparation
  • Financial

Finance your sustainable and climate action – Experience from 195 public authorities in your hands for learning and replication

This report presents the experiences of 195 local authorities in 29 countries on financing community-led action.

  • Inspiration
  • Preparation
  • Implementation
  • Financial

PROSPECT: Learning programme on innovative financing for energy and climate action

This PROSPECT+ capacity-building programme focuses on innovative financing for energy and climate actions and other crucial aspects of capacity building, decision-making and replication processes.

  • Inspiration
  • Preparation
  • Financial

EU City Facility (EUCF)

Looking for some support in the pre-financing stage, preparing an investment plan or feasibility studies? The EUCF supports municipalities, local authorities and their groupings in such activities.

  • Inspiration
  • Preparation
  • Financial

Start a new co-op: step by step

Guide that takes you through the start-up process for setting up a cooperative.

  • Inspiration
  • Preparation
  • Implementation
  • Community
  • Financial
  • Political & legal
  • Staff & organisation

Supporting new community energy groups with start-up issues

A ’10 steps’ guide that helps community energy groups quickly establish themselves and accelerate the development of their projects.

  • Inspiration
  • Preparation
  • Implementation
  • Community
  • Financial
  • Political & legal
  • Staff & organisation

‘How to’ for all things community energy

Online guide with information, advice and resources about a wide range of topics related to community energy.

  • Inspiration
  • Preparation
  • Implementation
  • Community
  • Financial
  • Political & legal
  • Staff & organisation
  • Technical

Best practice guides for municipal officers

mPOWER developed best practice guides for municipalities, focusing on co-creation with citizens, building energy communities, future-fit homes, and energy poverty.

  • Inspiration
  • Preparation
  • Community
  • Municipality
  • Technical
Flexcoop video screenshot

Video on flexibility in energy supply and demand

This video produced by the FLEXCoop project explains the principle of flexibility and grid balancing for solar and wind power.

  • Inspiration
  • Preparation
  • Implementation
  • Community

EUCENA Citizen Energy Academy – Open online courses

The Massive Open Online Couse (MOOC) by EUCENA starts from the basics of community energy and takes you through the different steps of setting up an energy community project.

  • Inspiration
  • Preparation
  • Implementation
  • Operation
  • Community
  • Financial
  • Political & legal
  • Staff & organisation
  • Technical
Citizens walking in front of a wind turbine

In-depth assessment of 10 transferable best practices

This report analyses ten best practices in Europe and conducts a comparative evaluation of the drivers and factors of success. In turn, lessons and transferability potential of drivers and success factors are derived from the comparative analysis. 

  • Inspiration
  • Preparation
  • Implementation
  • Community
  • Political & legal
  • Technical

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