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The focus of this stage is the preparation of the community’s project.
It includes the formation of a leadership team, the establishment of specific objectives to achieve the community’s vision, and the planning of specific actions to achieve the objectives (anticipating the effort required and expected outcomes/benefits). It is also the time to explore different options for technologies and for a business plan, research funding options for your project, and start reaching out to the wider community to get feedback and start soft recruitment for your project once established.

Found 141 helpful resource(s).
Community Energy Guide cover picture

Community Energy: A practical guide to reclaiming power [English]

Handbook packed with instructions, practical tips, powerful success stories and invaluable resources to build a local, community-led renewable energy revolution.

  • Inspiration
  • Preparation
  • Implementation
  • Operation
  • Community
  • Financial
  • Municipality
  • Political & legal
  • Staff & organisation
  • Technical
People holding hands

Energy Solidarity Toolkit

A toolkit packed with information on how energy communities can build solidarity measures into their core activities. It includes tips and insights from energy communities already tacking energy poverty.

  • Inspiration
  • Preparation
  • Implementation
  • Operation
  • Community
  • Financial
  • Political & legal
  • Staff & organisation
Wind turbine

Financing guide for energy communities

This guide provides a very first introduction to community energy financing. To make it easy to read and hands-on, it includes 14 practical and recent financing stories of European energy communities.

  • Inspiration
  • Preparation
  • Financial

SCCALE Methodology Guide

A guide to support starting energy communities and help them get through the very first stages of community development. It clearly identifies the key steps starters have to reach in order to mature their business.

  • Inspiration
  • Preparation
  • Community
  • Financial
  • Political & legal
  • Staff & organisation
  • Technical
Digital tools guide illustration

Digital tools for energy communities – a short guide

A guide that identifies and shortlists practical examples of digital solutions for energy communities in different scopes of application.

  • Preparation
  • Implementation
  • Operation
  • Staff & organisation
  • Technical
Solar panels on the roof of a building

Technology decision plan

This tool suggests the best renewable energy option for a user based on the resources available in the local community.

  • Preparation
  • Implementation
  • Technical

BECoop replication handbook – A comprehensive guide for community-based bioenergy projects

A step-by-step guide to initiating and establishing bioenergy community heating projects

  • Inspiration
  • Preparation
  • Community
  • Financial
  • Political & legal
  • Technical

Inclusivity guide for energy communities

A guide that offers tools and tips for increasing the inclusivity of your energy community.

  • Preparation
  • Implementation
  • Operation
  • Community
  • Staff & organisation

Financing Community Energy – A short guide for banks

A finance guide that helps banks and other representatives of financial institutions better understand the specific context and (financial) needs of energy communities.

  • Inspiration
  • Preparation
  • Implementation
  • Financial

Match-making tool

A tool that helps energy communities and asset owners to come together in order to create new clean energy projects.

  • Preparation
  • Implementation
  • Operation
  • Municipality
  • Political & legal
  • Technical

Guide to creating renewable energy communities using a participative approach [English]

Guide covering the most important factors to bear in mind with regard to participation when creating an energy community.

  • Inspiration
  • Preparation
  • Community
  • Staff & organisation
House in Virtual Power Plant

The MoRe model

A tool to support energy communities in developing a community-based Virtual Power Plant (cVPP). It clarifies what is feasible and what the first steps are.

  • Preparation
  • Implementation
  • Community
  • Technical

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